Collection: Body Lotion & Cream

Why You Should Moisturise Your Entire Body? 

For soft, glowing and hydrated skin we need to moisturise regularly. It’s a relatively inexpensive way to pamper ourselves and can provide many wonderful benefits such as Smelling great, improving skin elasticity, leaving your skin soft and glowing and reducing cracked skin and dry parches. Moisturising your skin can prolong your fake tan too!


Tips To Help Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite? 

Cellulite is more prevalent in women and is commonly found on hips, thighs, buttocks and breasts. Identified by skin which looks dimply and uneven, and somewhat resembles the skin of an orange. It is something that a lot of us have ourselves or have seen on others, even on healthy people. Here are a few tips to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. 


Moisturise regularly - If your skin is dehydrated or dry it can make your cellulite appear worse. Hydrated skin will appear more plump and healthier. So the key is to drink plenty of water and to moisturise, moisturise, moisturise.


Dry Body Brushing  - Many people advise this works for them. Dry body brushing is usually done before a shower from the feet upwards using circular motions. It is believed to help stimulate lymph flow and improves circulation and blood flow to the surface of the skin. It also exfoliates and encourages skin regeneration. Try Enviro Care Dry Bamboo Body Brush for an invigorating and exfoliating experience. 


Juicing - Along with a balanced diet, regular juicing will enable you to include certain fruits/vegetables into your daily diet. Try and choose ingredients with antioxidant and cleansing properties to facilitate the removal of toxins. Click to read more on the specific fruits and veggies and our favourite recipes you could try.


Massage - A qualified masseuse can target the lymphatic system which can help remove toxins and drain fluids from your body. This type of massage can help to break up fat deposits which can cause cellulite. Speak to your therapist and request a massage to stimulate skin elasticity. 


Be active - Weight loss can help to reduce cellulite. Being physically active can help you to lose weight  however being physically active can also improve your circulation and will firm up the skin.

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