Why Choose Organic?

man handing women organic apple

This week (14th September 2020) kicks off  Australian Organic Awareness Month.

Organic, whether food or skincare, has been synonymous with being healthy.  More often than not, it also means more expensive.  But is it worth the change and the expense?

“Organic” in the simplest term refers to the way an agricultural product has been grown and processed.  There are rules and policies that set the bar to determine whether a product is organic.  These rules vary for every country.  

Technically, an agricultural product should be raised and fed without using synthetic pesticides, GMOs, sewage sludge-based fertilizers, or petroleum-based fertilisers.  Livestock grown for their produce (meat and dairy) should have access to their normal environment where they can feed without growth hormones or any form of antibiotics.

Benefits of Eating Organic:

Organic produce is exposed to fewer pesticides, chemicals, and various forms of insecticides with residues that remain on food that can trigger allergies especially for people living with autoimmune diseases.

Consumers get fresher products when it’s organic.  Since it does not use any form of preservative, the shelf life is usually shorter.  So you often find organic products such as vegetables near or in the same area where they were harvested.

Organic meat that comes from animals who are raised and fed naturally are healthier.  They are less exposed to synthetic antibiotics that could create certain bacteria strains that cause animal diseases.

Organic produce is free from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).  These refer to food or animals that are genetically engineered.

Organic is more environmentally friendly.  Since no synthetic pesticides are used, it reduces pollution.  It also creates better soil fertility, uses less energy, and helps in water conservation.  Organic generally creates a better environment not just for plants and animals, but also for people who are living in an area where these products come from.

Organic food is usually slightly more expensive but there are ways to find them with prices that are almost equal to non-organic ones.  You can:

  • Buy from farmer’s markets where local growers sell their products at a much cheaper price compared to grocery stores.
  • You can join a group that buys in bulk to get the products at a lesser price.
  • Be a member of a cooperative store that sells these products at discounted prices to members.  This is helpful especially if you plan to buy organic in the long term.

We at Love Your Health supports products that are produced from organic sources.  There is a wide variety of brands that use certified organic ingredients such as skincaresupplements, plus food, and more. Visit our website.