Love Your Health Tips to Staying Fabulously Healthy


Small healthy habits and healthy daily routines will have a positive impact on your life. My healthy habits allow me to stay grounded, motivated, and clear minded. Small habits can also provide you with something to come back to when feeling stress or overwhelmed.

Here’s a list of health hacks from the team at Love Your Health that are all easy, affordable, and also super effective in creating a super thriving and healthy body and mind.

Add these ideas into your daily routine and feel the different in your health and happiness, and in your body and mind…


Michelle Wilde

(Love Your Health Co-Founder)

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Treat yourself when you need - I love treating myself to a facial, massage, or even just a 20 minutes rest at home
  • Say 'no' to soft drinks
  • Move your body and do something active everyday even if it’s just stretching while watching TV
  • Listen to your body and slow down when you are feeling run down
  • Pick hobbies you love and enjoy that are therapeutic and bring joy for you - this could be a sport, walks with friends, cooking, or knitting
  • Laugh! Spend time with people you enjoy, book in a comedy show, or watch your favourite comedian on Netflix
  • Be mindful of the foods you are eating, and ensure you have healthy snacks available when hunger strikes
  • Get plenty of sleep. Most healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night to function at their best, so I always have an evening routine and switch off screens before bed


(Social Media Manager)

  • Staying hydrated - I always carry a big water bottle around with me to make sure that I am drinking plenty of water throughout the day
  • Find ways to stay active throughout the day - I find ways to keep active through the day, this includes going for a walk around the block on my work break or taking the stairs
  • Be prepared with healthy food and snacks
  • Developing morning and night routines to form healthy habits


(Customer Care Manager & Social Media Coordinator)

  • Rest well and make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night
  • Have a quiet relaxing ‘you’ time when you can or do the things that you LOVE that fills up your cup and that you find relaxing
  • Spend as much time as you can outdoors and in nature
  • Move your body especially if you are like me and you work 6-8 hours a day at a desk. I always make sure that I move around in between work or take a walk at the end of the day



(Content Creator)

  • Minimise stress through meditation
  • Get at least 8 hours of deep and restful sleep, and rise with the sun
  • Let go of people and beliefs that weigh you down
  • Dry brush your skin
  • Go on a regular ‘digital detox’ where you do not touch your phone or computer all day - I try and do this every Sunday and I’m currently off both Facebook and Instagram which has done wonders for my mental health
  • Practice gratitude - writing down what you are grateful for makes you a more positive and happier person
  • Swap your morning coffee for celery juice
  • Breathe more deeply - breathing properly is so important, and so often when we are feeling anxious we take short shallow breaths. Instead, try this: Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 seconds, and breathe out for 4 counts. And repeat twice. I try to focus on my breath when I practice yoga
  • Connect with your community - try to connect outside of social media with friends and family in one way or another. Connecting with your community could mean a simple phone call or Facetime to a best friend or parents, or lunch with a work colleague.


Have you got any of your own tips to add to the list? Please feel free to share them below, that way we can create an epic list we can all come back to when we need it.